Thursday, January 23, 2014

You Are What You Write

I met a girl at the bar last night. I entered the bar just as she was finishing playing a song on the piano and singing beautifully. My friend (female) and I went to congratulate and say hello. As fellow musicians my friend and I appreciate real talent when we see it. The girls name was Beth and as my friend went to play a set of her own Beth and I started talking. She explained to me that she is a bartender, but she really wants to go to school for psycology. I asked her what her favorite psycological field was, and she answered handwriting analysis. Now I had always heard urban legends of CSI agents discovering everything about the serial killer by a single letter left in a note by the body, but I never put that much stock in them. This girl blew my mind though. She's only really read books on the subject, but listening to her analysis of my writing and my sugnature, I felt as though she knew almost every damn thing about me... From my signature she determined that I am a socialble creature that typically leans into people as opposed to away; that I have a questionable outlook on the future; and that I appreciate cerebral and logical thought over sentiment and feelings.

After her demonstration I had to know her secret to this analysis. She told me to read Sex, Lies, and Handwriting by Michelle Dresbold. I bought the book from the kindle store, and only an hour into reading, I have read about 32% of the text, and I have learned so much. The best part is that the knowlege I've learned is only the tip of the iceberg. You would be shocked to know how much you can learn about a person simply looking at how they write the letter "I". I plan to have a more detailed report of the book once I've complete the book, but I still highly recommend it at this point. It is a cool and interesting skill to develop, and it may save you a lot of time learning about someone before they have a chance to surprise you. If I have learned anything so far, is that you can act as a completely different person on the outside, but your handwriting will almost always betray your true self. Even a well practiced and "text book" handwriting speaks volumes.

One recomendation if you do read the book. Before even opening the first page, take out a piece of paper and write the following: your signature, the numbers zero through nine, the scentence "The quick fox jumps over the brown lazy dog" and the scentence, "I'm right". Write these before you know how to analyze anything, and then you will have an honest representation of yourself.


1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I got my little piece of paper with my handwriting on it. Now what do I do?
